
The ELCA has adopted a social message about climate care entitled "Earth's Climate Crisis." You can access the official message here in English and here in Spanish. Printed copies of the social message in English can be ordered here and Spanish printed copies can be ordered here.

A four-session study guide is also available to download here.

Drawing from existing social teaching, social messages provide theological rationale and social analysis to foster discernment and engagement on a relatively narrow social issue. This project was authorized in light of the grim contemporary situation affecting our global home and the need for fresh action on the part of this church. It draws its framing themes from several social statements, particularly Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice.

The social message was called for from several sources and was adopted by the ELCA Church Council on April 20, 2023. A draft version social message first went through a public feedback process and was edited in light of public comment.

Social Message (en)

Social Message (esp)

Earth's Climate Crisis Study Guide

Earth's Climate Crisis Study Guide
