RAGBRAI Training Ride with Bishop Jones

Rolling Prairie Trail - Bristow to Clarksville Bishop Kevin Jones invites anyone interested to join him on a training bike ride to prepare for the Iowa Bishop’s Ride Against Hunger […]

RAGBRAI Training Ride with Bishop Jones

Cedar Valley Trail Head, Solon Bishop Kevin Jones invites anyone interested to join him and Bishop Amy Current for a training ride on the Cedar Valley Trail and Hoover Nature Trail to prepare for the Iowa Bishops Ride Against Hunger in RAGBRAI in July. Riders can join the full 50-mile round trip from Solon to […]

Iowa Bishops Ride Against Hunger

Camp Ewalu, Strawberry Point, Iowa

RAGBRAI ELCA congregations and members from across Iowa are invited to join or support the three Iowa ELCA bishops as they ride this year’s RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) to fight hunger.

C3 Ministry Fair

Wartburg College, Waverly This new synod-wide event will feature workshops, service opportunities, networking, worship and more for all congregation members to attend.